
"(...) O pior que há para a sensibilidade é pensarmos nela, e não com ela. Enquanto me desconheci ridículo, pude ter sonhos em grande escala. Hoje que sei quem sou, só me restam os sonhos que delibero ter. (...)" - Fernando Pessoa


In Bed With...

What Your Bed Says About You
Outward appearances are a concern of yours, but not your primary concern. You try to take care of yourself and your home, but it's not an obsession. You try to be an organized person, but you often fall behind. Certain parts of your life tend to fall into chaos. You are not very high maintenance in general, but you are high maintenance about a few things. In relationships, you tend to be quite dominant. You enjoy taking charge. You tend to be a down to earth, practical person. You think in terms of what is actual. You are a bit of a homebody, but you can also make yourself at home anywhere.